Stuart Baird, Teacher and SUE Board Member - Educating Scotland: Leaving Excellence Behind
Thu 26 Sep 2024 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
"As the twentieth anniversary of the publication of A Curriculum for Excellence approaches, Scottish education is undergoing a reform process aimed at addressing growing criticisms. Headlines describe a system plagued by falling standards, unequal opportunities, unruly classrooms, and activist agendas. However, the proposed reforms have not been met with widespread enthusiasm and seem to offer more of the same, when what is truly needed is a renewed focus on what makes schools special: educating our young people about our world, challenging their expectations, and seeing them come into their own. What reforms can make that happen?"
Stuart Baird is a secondary school teacher with over twenty-five years’ experience. He is a union activist and a board member of the Scottish Union for Education.