Free Talk! Dr Stuart Waiton - Scottish Education - Falling Standards and Indoctrination
Thu 21 Mar 2024 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Drivers Sports & Social Club (Taxi Club), EH7 4JE
Dr Stuart Waiton is the Chair of the Scottish Union for Education. A union set-up in response to the lowering of standards in Scottish education and the growing pervasion of ideology and intrusiveness in schools. In his own words, taken from the SUE's Substack:
"Some have noticed the falling standards in education, while others have watched as the curriculum itself has changed and morphed into a form of indoctrination. Most recently, groups of concerned parents, grandparents and teachers and ex-teachers have raised the alert about the worrying trend within schools to ask children intrusive questions about their sex lives. They have pointed to the new sex education curriculum and noticed the increasingly inappropriate materials being used. If you think they may be overreacting, check out the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) website and make up your own mind."
Every parent should be aware of what is happening in the schools.
Drivers Sports & Social Club (Taxi Club), EH7 4JE