Free! 27th June, Edinburgh. Leah Gunn Barret: An American in Scotland: Independence, the Gun Lobby and Big Pharma
Thu 27 Jun 2024 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Drivers Sports & Social Club (Taxi Club), EH7 4JE
Leah Gunn Barrett is a dual US/UK citizen who spent several years as an advocate for gun control in the states of Maryland and New York after the murder of her older brother in 1997. She can talk about what it's like to confront a well-organised and well-funded corporate lobby like the National Rifle Association.
Over the past couple of years, she has become highly sceptical about Big Pharma's claims about the safety and efficacy of the Covid 'vaccine.' She understands that when corporate lobbies fund our politicians, whether they are fronting for the gun industry or Big Pharma, they control them. What's worse, corporate lobbies have even captured regulatory agencies like the CDC, FDA and the World Health Organisation, so the regulations and advice they issue is not in the best interests of the people they are supposed to represent but the corporations they should be regulating.
Leah will share her experiences with the corporate gun lobby's tactics that are similar to those of the Big Pharma lobby.
She has lived in Edinburgh since 2017 and is actively advocating for Scottish independence, a subject she writes about in her blog, Dear Scotland.
Drivers Sports & Social Club (Taxi Club), EH7 4JE